If you have a question about our Service Dog kits, training requirements, eligibility, or other Service Dog questions, please review our frequently asked questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my dog be a Service Dog?

The ADA defines a service animal as any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. If they meet this definition, animals are considered service animals under the ADA regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government.

Service Dog Kits and Registration

Do I need to have a doctor’s letter to use my service dog?

You do not need a letter from your doctor to register or use your dog as a Service Dog.

Does my dog need to be professionally trained to qualify as my Service Dog?

Your dog does not need to be professionally trained to be your Service Dog. The ADA clearly states that you may self train your Service Dog to mitigate your disability. 

Can my Service Dog go anywhere with me?

Yes, as a general rule your Service Dog may accompany you everywhere members of the public are allowed. 

Other questions?

Have a question that hasn’t been answered above? Use the contact form below to contact us and we will provide you with a response as soon as possible. Thank you.

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